Saturday, November 7, 2009

Vampire Diaries s1.6

Vampire Diaries
Episode 6
Lost Girls
Thursday night on CW

-my weekly vampire eye-candy segment
-for my Vampire Diaries challenge

Synopsis from TV Guide:
Stefan reveals his family's history to Elena and how his rivalry with Damon began. Meanwhile, Damon tries to take control of Vicki's life, but she runs away, and the sheriff and mayor take action to protect Mystic Falls from further violence.

My thoughts:
I liked the flashback into the history of the trio, Katherine-Stefan-Damon. Now we know about Katherine and her ways. But my question is how is Elena connected? Is she Katherine reincarnated or just Stefan and Damon's will-a-be lover going to be turned into a vampiress to join them for eternal loving?

Finally finished book 1 - The Awakening - my review

Are you watching this show? and what did you think?

Watch any of the episodes online for free at Cast TV (click pic to view):

Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu